Can You Parallel Two Different Size Generators? [Know All Factor]

When it’s about paralleling two different-sized generators, most people end up with a simple question: can you parallel two different size generators? The straightforward answer is BIG YES and this process will let you combine the generator’s power outputs and boost the wattage.

If both of your generators are parallel capable, you can easily connect them with a parallel kit. However, you’ve to make sure that the generators of different sizes have the same voltage and frequency at the connection points.

Moreover, both of your generators should be inverter types of generators. Learn more about paralleling generators, the benefits and the risks, and all other related aspects of paralleling generators from this article.

What Is Paralleling Generators?

In simple terms, paralleling means connecting two generators via a dedicated parallel kit to increase the power output. The connection process acts as a large generator that doubles the power output.

If your generators are parallel capable, you can parallel them even though they are of different brands and sizes. It’s one of the easy and safe ways to get more or double power at home or anywhere, including remote areas.

What Is Paralleling Generators

Say you’re using a generator to run sump pump, and now you need more power to run other appliances, then what you’ll do? In that case, you can use your second generator and parallel both of them to increase the running load capacity.

Paralleling generators means getting more power output which will help to produce a higher amount of wattage and run more appliances.

Can You Parallel Two Different Size Generators

You can easily parallel your two different-sized generators with a parallel kit if they are parallel compatible.

Before connecting two generators, you must ensure both are inverter types and provide equal voltage and frequency at the connection point. Connect the generators with a parallel kit, and it has six terminals where four terminals connect the power connector and rest two for ground cables.

Can You Parallel Two Different Size Generators

Well, you may understand that two different sized generators can be paralleled, but do you know the parallel method? If not, then we’re here to help, and through the below section, we’ll show the process of paralleling two different size generators. Have a look:

Step – 1:  First things first, ensure both of your generators are parallel capable, and then you can go to the next step.

Step – 2:  Now it’s time to plug the parallel kit or cable into your generators. Here is the procedure:

Double-check both generator’s parallel ports plus-minus signs and check the kit manual to determine which cable needs to be plugged. Now carefully plug in the parallel kit to the generator, and don’t forget to connect the ground ports too. Also, never start the generator before plugging the parallel cable or kit.

Once you’ve successfully connected the generators into the parallel kit, now start the generator and enjoy double power output. You don’t have to check the power each generates frequently.

Since both of your generators are parallel capable, it’ll automatically increase or decrease the power production according to your needs.

Can You Parallel Different Brand Generators

If you’re wondering whether you can parallel different brand generators or not, the answer is YES. You can also easily connect two different brand generators with a parallel kit or cable alongside different size generators.

Can You Parallel Different Brand Generators

However, both different brand generator’s must need to supply equal frequency and voltage at the connection point for paralleling. Alongside the same frequency and voltage, both of your generators should be inverter type for effortless paralleling.

You can check out this video to know about paralleling two different brand generators reliably-

Can You Parallel Non-Inverter Generators

Do you have non-inverter generators and want to double the load capacity by paralleling them? Well, it’s possible to parallel non-inverter generators, and to make it happen, you’ll need equipment like a tiebreaker and a voltmeter.

To connect both non-inverter generators, you have to sync and phase match both non-inverter generators. However, you have to remember that the phase match is a complicated process that will never produce or give you 100% and quality output.

Can You Parallel Non-Inverter Generators

Moreover, a single mistake during a phase match can lead to significant damage to your generator and increase and decrease power output as well. Moreover, when you parallel both non-inverter generators, their waveforms might not match, and they will not sync, which will cause overload issues.

So using non-inverter generators and paralleling will not be a good idea. However, if you still wish to parallel non-inverter generators, be sure that both have the same frequency and voltage to prevent the generator damage possibilities.

Factors You Should Know Before Paralleling Two Different Size Generators

Knowing how to parallel two different sizes or brands of generators is not enough. Alongside usability, there are many other facts that you have to consider. Here we’ve four crucial aspects you should think about before paralleling:

Factors You Should Know Before Paralleling Two Different Size Generators

Engine Power Compatibility

The first thing you have to consider before paralleling two different size generators is the engine capacity or kW. For example, if you have two generators with 4000 watts and 6000 watts, paralleling both of them will provide 4000 watts, not 6000 watts.

Alternator Compatibility

Another thing you have to consider before paralleling generators is the alternators. The alternators of two different generators should be matched because having a lower frequency in one generator can cause damage to the generators.

Interface Compatibility

Both of your generators should be interface compatible. Using new generators can easily make interface compatibility, and using older ones will act completely differently.

Load Sharing Compatibility

The last thing you have to consider is load-sharing compatibility. You just have to make sure that after connecting both generators, they both have the same frequency and voltage. Therefore, you will not need to monitor, and the load sharing will be done automatically.

Understanding The Concept Of Load Sharing

When you parallel two different generators, they both will share the same load, and it’s a built-in feature of parallel capable generators. This function helps to reduce extra pressure or stress from the generators.

Understanding The Concept Of Load Sharing

Both generators will equally burn fuel to fulfill the loading needs if the load demand increases. In short, the load sharing system will ensure safe paralleling by reducing the issues like overloading and instability.

Two types of load sharing functions you’ll find in parallel compatible generators, such as-

  • Active Load Sharing: The generator continues to rotate up and down as the active load is divided based on the engine load.
  • Reactive Load Sharing This load-sharing system works by changing the tension of the alternator.

Both load-sharing systems detect the load on the parallel system and then equally divide it to ensure demand with safety.

What Are The Benefits Of Paralleling Generators

The generator paralleling process may seem quite complicated, but it’s completely rewarding. There are plenty of benefits you’ll get paralleling two generators, and discover those benefits from the section below:

1. Reliability

Instead of using one giant generator, it’s a good idea to use two small generators. That is because if one generator breaks down, you have another one for power backup.

2. Flexibility

Larger or heavier powered generators are heavier, which is quite difficult to move from place to place. Whenever you have two small generators, you can easily be able to transfer them.

3. More Power

When you parallel two generators, they will produce more power output than a large generator. Therefore, you can power more appliances.

4. Cost-Efficient

Using two generators instead of one big generator will be a cost-effective solution too. Two smaller generators will be less expensive than larger ones.

5. Save Fuel

Using two different generators will also work as a fuel savior too. When you need a less electric power supply, you can use the single one. And this connection process can save fuel and your money too.

Are There Any Risk to parallel two different size generators

When you parallel two different size generators appropriately, then you don’t need to worry about risk issues. That is because modern generators are made with parallel compatibility.

Therefore, once you parallel both generators properly, you don’t have to worry about the risk issues. However, any minor error when connecting the parallel cable or kit can cause significant damage.

So always try to follow the appropriate paralleling process, use the right cable and start the generator after plugging all the cables. By following the appropriate procedure, you and anyone can easily parallel generators and minimize risk factors.

Final Words

We hope now you understand Can You Parallel Two Different Size Generators or not. If you have inverter generators, you can easily parallel them to mix their power outputs and double the wattage. You can also parallel non-inverter generators, but it is quite complicated.

Well, whether you’re paralleling inverter or non-inverter generators, make sure the voltage and frequency at the connection point are the same. Otherwise, you may have to face an overloading issue that will damage your generators. So follow the provided guidance to ensure proper paralleling, and don’t forget to consider the facts we have included to enjoy paralleling benefits.

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