How To Install A Power Inverter In My Truck? Step By Step 2023

You can transform your truck into a power supply source for converting your DC power into AC power to run your devices and other necessary items there. It is now one of the trending ways to transmit DC power into AC power. Depending on your requirements, you have to consider the size of the inverter.

Therefore, it can be a convenient way to generate power from your car and truck. And, you can use the AC power to run your household, including fan, light, or charging phones and other necessary items. Before you go to install the power inverter into your truck, make sure you have installed the right one.

How Big Of An Inverter Can I Put In My Truck?

An inverter is a great way to convert the DC power into AC to minimize the utilization of electricity for your needs. But any power inverter may not work for your truck because you have to consider a few things before you install one inside your truck so that you can get the maximum output from it.

How to install a power inverter in my truck

Depending on the power deficiency you want to minimize, you have to buy a power inverter for your truck. Also, you have to determine the space in your truck where you are going to install the power inverter to supply power for your necessary electrical devices and households.

How To Install A Power Inverter In My Truck?

Installing a power inverter is not so difficult as you might be thinking right now. But it requires a bit of electrical knowledge. Otherwise, you cannot understand the basic term of these machines when it comes to installing it inside your truck. So, understanding the basics should be an advantage for you as well.

How to install a power inverter in my truck

Step One

The first thing should come first. What you have to consider first before you go to install a power inverter inside your truck is the measurement or size of the power inverter. Any power inverter is not going to suit your truck.

Depending on the space your truck can provide for the installation of the power inverter is important to know before installing one. The more spacious your truck inside is, the larger and bigger one you can install inside the truck for converting DC power into AC power.

Step Two

In this step, you have to arrange all the required things, meaning that you have to buy several essential things before you go to install a power inverter inside your truck. These will include an inverter, wiring, 50 amp fuse and housing, crimps, and loop terminals. When you are done with these important things, you are ready to start the installation process.

Step Three

In your truck, depending on the size of your power inverter, you have to find out the place where you can install the power inverter. Rear-seat cushions may be the right place to install the inverter. In this step, you have to place it by 3M and 5 lb foam tape to secure it. Then you need to wipe off the top part of the inverter to use tape with an alcohol pad.

Now you should connect the RED+ wire when it indicates the red terminal followed by the black wire to the black terminal. From here, you need to direct the wire from the power inverter to the engine bay so that you can connect them.

Step Four

In the case of connecting the black wire with the battery terminal of your truck, you have to find the black wire and then joint it to the truck’s black battery terminal. Also, you can secure it with the metal bolt of the truck to get the contact, or you can connect the black wire to the metal body panels of your truck.

Step Five

This is the time for the RED+ wire. Are you confused about where to connect the RED+ wire to? Well, in this step, you have to connect the RED+ wire to the fuse housing of the machine with a strip so that it can attach secured. Also, make sure the crimping is also tied together. Besides, you have to option to use electric tape instead of crimping.

Make sure you have connected the other end of the RED+ battery to the other end of the fuse. You can also screw it into the place so that it can be secured tightly. And all your installation process is almost finished here.

Step six

The last but not least step will tell you to check the connections you have just finished. Also, make sure that you are checking all the connections turning your power inverter off. Otherwise, you may have messed up everything if there is any fault connection. You need to open the fuse housing, and 50 amp fuse is required to be installed.

In this way, you can install the power inverter inside your truck or car or any other vehicle you want to generate AC power from DC power. Before you start using it, make sure you have re-check everything, and you are ready to go.

Note: If you are thinking of buying a power inverter in your truck, go through this informative guide about how to choose a power inverter?

Frequently Asked Questions

You may still have some questions in your mind, right? That’s why; we are going to answer some frequently asked questions. Maybe, you have the same question in your mind, and you will get the answers as well from below.

Can I use truck battery for the inverter?

Without any confusion, you are free to use your truck battery for the power inverter. All you need to make sure is the batter is optimum for the power inverter you are going to use in this case.

Do power inverters kill your battery?

Yes, an inverter can drain your battery, not kill. If your engine is running, there are no issues with running your inverter. Because when the vehicle engine runs, it generates powers for the inverter inside it.

Does power inverter need battery?

Without batteries, it is almost impossible to power your inverter. Because it is impossible for us to keep our engine run all the time. So, several batteries may be required to power your inverter.

Final Thought

The manual will show you how to install a power inverter in your truck. Still, you have to know the electric field for better understanding. Therefore, it would be simple and more effortless for you to install a power inverter inside your truck to convert the DC power into AC.

Otherwise, you may find difficulties while installing the power inverter in your truck. In this case, you may take help from one who knows, or you can call an electrician for the installation of the inverter.

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